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Is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom. 6 October 2009 - Leave a Response. Ok i wanna cry but i dun wanna. 16 September 2009 - Leave a Response. Today at the airport i felt so torn. I wished i was different. Wished i had chosen differently. But then i caught myself thinking of you and what you would do. So i took a step back, literally. in my slippers and watched the world from behind your lens. I breathed in and let my heart beat again. I let her look at me. Your touch i never dare to take.
A leading school for academically promising girls in grades 5-12. Winsor prepares young women to pursue their aspirations and contribute to the world. Meet the Head of School. The Winsor School has long benefited from strong, stable leadership. Families choose Winsor for a variety of reasons. Hear from our faculty about their passion for their subjects and the joy of teaching Winsor girls.
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